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Unsupervised Language Translation
Two papers:
- Word translation without parallel data. OpenReview (Conneau et al., 2017)Conneau:2017wg
- Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation. [OpenReview](Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation) (Artetxe et al., 2017)Artetxe:2017ta
Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation
Typically for machine translation, it would be a supervised problem, whereby you have parallel corpora (e.g. UN transcripts). In many cases, however, you don't have such data. Sometimes you might be able to sidestep this problem if there's a bridge language where there does exist parallel datasets. What if you don't have any such data, and simply monolingual data? This would be the unsupervised problem.
- They assume the existence of an unsupervised cross-lingual embedding. This is a key assumption, and their entire architecture sort of rests on this. Essentially, you form embedding vectors for two languages separately (which is unsupervised), and then align them algorithmically, so that they now reside in a shared, bilingual space.1
- From there, you can use a shared encoder, since the two inputs are from a shared space. Recall that the goal of the encoder is to reduce/sparsify the input (from which the decoder can reproduce it) -- in the case of a shared encoder, by virtue of the cross-lingual embedding, you're getting a language-agnostic encoder, which hopefully gets at the meaning of the words.
- Again, somewhat naturally, this means you're basically building both directions of the translation, or what they call the dual structure.
- Altogether, what you get is a pretty cute autoencoder architecture. Essentially, what you're doing is training something like a [[siamese-networks]]; you have the shared encoder, and then two separate decoders for each language. During training, you're basically doing normal autoencoding, and then during inference, you just flip -- cute!
- To ensure this isn't a trivial task, they take the framework on the denoising autoencoder, and shuffle the words around in the input.2 I guess it's a little difficult to do something like squeeze all these tokens into a smaller dimension. However, this clearly doesn't do that much -- it's just scrambling.
- The trick is then to adapt the so-called back-translation approach of (Sennrich et al., 2016)sennrich-etal-2016-improving in a sort of alternating fashion. I think what it boils down to is just flipping the switch during training.
- Altogether, you have two types of mini-batch training schemes, and you alternate between the two. The first is same language (L1 + ϵ -> L1), adding noise. The second is different language (L1 -> L2), using the current state of the NMT (neural machine translation) model as the data.
Word Translation Without Parallel Data
- With the similar constraint of just having two monolingual corpora, they tackle step zero of the first paper, namely how to align two embeddings (the unsupervised cross-lingual embedding step). They employ adversarial training (like GANs).3
- A little history of these cross-lingual embeddings: (Mikolov et al., 2013)Mikolov:2013tp noticed structural similarities in embeddings across languages, and so used a parallel vocabulary (of 5000 words) to do alignment. Later versions used even smaller intersection sets (e.g. parallel vocabulary of aligned digits of (Artetxe et al., 2017)artetxe-etal-2017-learning). The optimisation problem is to learn a linear mapping W such that4 W⋆=argminW∈Md(R)∥WX−Y∥F.
- Given two sets of word embeddings X,Y, the discriminator tries to distinguish between elements randomly sampled from WX and Y, while the linear mapping W (generator) is learned to make that task difficult.
- Refinement step: the above procedure doesn't do that well, because it doesn't take into account word frequency.5 But now you have something like a supervised dictionary (set of common words): you pick the most frequent words and their mutual nearest neighbours, set this as your synthetic dictionary, and apply the Procrustes algorithm to align once again.
- It's pretty important to ensure that the dictionary is correct, since you're basically using that as the ground truth by which you align. Using k-NN is problematic for many reasons (in high dimensions), but one is that it's asymmetric, and you get hubs (NN of many vectors). They therefore devise a new (similarity) measure, derived from k-NN: essentially for a word, you consider the k-NNs in the other domain, and then you take the average cosine similarity. You then penalise the cosine similarity of a pair of vectors by this sort-of neighbourhood concentration.6
- Conneau, A. et al., 2017. Word Translation Without Parallel Data. arXiv.org.↩
- Artetxe, M., Labaka, G., Agirre, E., et al., 2017. Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation. arXiv.org.↩
- It's only a small stretch to imagine performing this on multiple languages, so that you get some notion of a universal language space.↩
- I'm so used to bag-of-word style models, or even the more classical word embeddings that didn't care about the ordering in the window, that this just feels like that -- we're harking back to the wild-wild-west, when we didn't have context-aware embeddings.↩
- Sennrich, R., Haddow, B. & Birch, A., 2016. Improving Neural Machine Translation Models with Monolingual Data. In Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers). Berlin, Germany: Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 86–96.↩
- And in fact follow the same training mechanism as GANs.↩
- Mikolov, T., Le, Q.V. & Sutskever, I., 2013. Exploiting Similarities among Languages for Machine Translation. arXiv.org.↩
- Artetxe, M., Labaka, G. & Agirre, E., 2017. Learning bilingual word embeddings with (almost) no bilingual data. In Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers). Vancouver, Canada: Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 451–462.↩
- It turns out that enforcing W to be orthogonal (i.e. a rotation) gives better results, which reduces to the Procrustes algorithm, much like what we used for the dynamic word embedding project.↩
- Why don't they change the procedure to weigh points according to their frequency then?↩
- Intuitively, you penalise vectors whose NN set is concentrated (i.e. it's difficult to tell who is the actual nearest neighbour).↩
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Last updated on 4/16/2022