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Graph Network as Arbitrary Inductive Bias


The architecture of a neural network imposes some kind of structure that lends itself to particular types of problem (CNN, RNN). Thus, you can think of this as some form of inductive bias. An interesting view of [[graph-neural-networks]] is that essentially these provide arbitrary inductive bias, since the goal is to learn the architecture?

ComponentEntitiesRelationsInductive BiasInvariance
Conv.Grid elementsLocalLocalitySpatial transl.
RecurrentTimeSequentialSequentiallyTime transl.
GraphNodesEdgesArbitraryV,E permute

From (Battaglia et al., 2018)Battaglia:2018vi

  1. Battaglia, P.W. et al., 2018. Relational inductive biases, deep learning, and graph networks.
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Last updated on 1/12/2022